WF 20230405 Invitation Vietnam iOmniscient Multi-Sensory AI
Giải pháp Ai đa giác quan tự động cho Thành phố thông minh Tính Năng AI đa giác quan của WildFaces Hội thảo giáo dục "AI đa giác quan tự…
Giải pháp Ai đa giác quan tự động cho Thành phố thông minh Tính Năng AI đa giác quan của WildFaces Hội thảo giáo dục "AI đa giác quan tự…
Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI Guest Speaker: Dr Rustom Kanga, CEO of iOmniscient, Australia The 21-year old Pioneer in Multi-Sensory Analytics Systems ( You…
Automatic AI Platform replacing manual & labor-intensive Data Annotation Processes Automatic AI Platform replacing manual & labor-intensive Data Annotation Processes For several weeks we have discussed the several technologies that…
How to achieve MORE with LESS for your visual AI projects How to achieve MORE with LESS for your visual AI projects Let us continue with our assessment of the…
21 Years Old and Growing with our Multi-Sensory AI 21 Years Old and Growing with our Multi-Sensory AI We had mentioned that we had just turned 21 and we have…
World's Longest Standing Multi-Sensory AI Company World's Longest Standing Multi-Sensory AI Company Wildfaces is a spin-off of iOmniscient. iOmniscient is the longest standing independent Multi-sensory AI based Analytics company. Today…
iOmniscient & Intel Joint Seminar for Multi-Sensory AI (video, sound & smell AI) in Vietnam Cải thiện năng suất được đảm bảo thông qua AI tự động hóa Diễn giả…
iOmniscient & Intel Joint Seminar for Multi-Sensory AI (video, sound & smell AI) in Vietnam Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI Guest Speaker: Ivy Li, Founder of WildFaces The 21-year…
iOmniscient & Intel Joint Seminar for Multi-Sensory AI (video, sound & smell AI) in Vietnam Cải thiện năng suất được đảm bảo thông qua AI tự động hóa Diễn giả…
Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI WildFaces, Lenovo and Intel Invite You to a Seminar on Guaranteed Productivity Improvement through Autonomous AI You will…