Major Breakthrough in Intelligent Traffic Technology

Major Breakthrough In Intelligent Traffic TechnologyMajor Breakthrough In Intelligent Traffic TechnologyIn 2022, WildFaces Technology Limited applied to STF (Application Number: CS/02/2107/RA) and was provided with a grant to develop an…

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WildFaces’ Ai-Powered Digital Signage Solution

WildFaces’ Ai-Powered Digital Signage Solution WildFaces' AI-powered Digital Signage Solution can drive appropriate Advertisement interactively based on the profile & demographics of the approaching crowds (100+) in the distance (20-meter) using…

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Know Your Customers with Dwell Time Analysis

Know Your Customers with Dwell Time Analysis This Dwell time Analysis can help you understand what your customers are really interested in. It can  understand customers’ visiting frequency, popular footpaths,…

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Maintaining CCTV networks

Maintaining CCTV networks If you run a large CCTV network the chances are that just when there is an incident in your facility the mission critical cameras that you are…

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