excelling in the use of moving loT devices specializing in "Wildly-Complex" scenes

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Intersec 2020 – 19 to 21/01/20

Then world’s leading security, safety, and fire protection trade show …
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  • offers prepackaged Visual AI requires no data training
  • ensures quick deployment

Oct 2020 – AI Beyond Deep Learning – The Next Generation

Wildfaces Newsletter October V8 WILDAI NEWS October 2020 AI Beyond Deep Learning – The Next Generation Inside this issue AI beyond Deep Learning Deep Learning has been made very fashionable over the last few years and people have tended to use the term synonymously with Arti￿cial Intelligence ever since “tech giants” like Google and Microsoft have embraced it. The technology is very powerful for categorizing objects within an image. One can provide it with a large dataset of any object eg 10,000 images of dogs, and the system can be trained to detect the next dog that comes along. Deep …
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Dec 2020 2nd Issue – AI Powered Advertising Display

WF-Newsletter-December_Issue_2 DECEMBER • 2020 A.I. Powered Advertising Display NEWSLETTER OF WILDFACES. AI Inside this issue AIFOR DIGITAL ADVERTISING DISPLAYS WILDAI “ON-THE- TECHNMOLOGYVE” EXPLAINED Growing a business is always hard and it has been particularly difficult during the pandemic when demand has fallen and money is scarce. WildFaces has developed a new capability which can ensure that your spending on advertisements is better targeted ensuring higher sales conversion. Our system can understand the profile & demographics of an approaching audience even while it is at a distance and help you determine which ad to display. Capturing maximum eye- balls and responding …
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Dec 2020 1st Issue – Preventive Maintenance using AI

December 2020 newsletter (1) Newsletter WildFaces.ai wildAI On-The-Move December 2020 Preventive Maintenance using AI For a major public transport network servicing in Hong Kong SAR ! Cameras equipped with Vision intelligence, WildAI, have been deployed in a constantly moving environment to detect any equipment malfunction, alerting station manage & maintenance team immediately for action. WildAI™ Patented WildAI on-the-move provides moving IoT devices e.g. drones, robots, wearable-cameras, with visual intelligence and analytics. Wildfaces disrupts deep learning vision-AI by overcoming their constraints that often require massive data training & labelling exercise. Our technology is proven with many government agencies & industry clients …
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Nov 2020 – Smart Traffic Solution

November 2020 Newsletter tst Newsletter WildFaces.ai wildAI On-The-Move ! Highway Protection November 2020 Smart Tra￿c Solution Successfully delivered for the Hong Kong SAR Government within 8 weeks with 100% accuracy and zero false alarm. Our system was able to reduce tra￿c bottlenecks by alerting timely actions on pedestrians trespassing, illegal parking and left objects on highways. Smart Facility Management Personalized Flexible workspace experience with automations Optimal energy Way-￿nder & management Anonymous tracking Anti-contagion Secure, safe & seamless access Engage tenants IoT operating system & with analytics centralized control Wildfaces heralds the era of humanized, self-maintaining facilities capable of operating independently …
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Apr 2020 – Wildfaces FeverCheck helps Paramedics to Do More with Less

Wildfaces FeverCheck helps Paramedics to Do More with Less World’s FIRST Automated Fever Detection System Watch Video Wildfaces Technologies is a subsidiary of iOmniscient WildFaces contributes to an E￿ective Virus Containment Read News This HTML is created from PDF at https://www.pdfonline.com/convert-pdf-to-html/ …
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October 2019 – Wildfaces Tops Gartner’s List

Wildfaces_Tops_Gartners_List-1 wildAI On-The-Move Wildfaces Tops Gartner’s List Gartner has just issued its analysis of all the major worldwide suppliers of video analytics (including Behaviour Analytics, Face Recognition and License Plate Recognition). They reviewed 97 companies and analysed their capabilities across 58 di￿erent applica- tions. ewsletter N ctober 2019 O 1 Wildfaces Tops Gartner’s List 2 Construction site Systems 3 Come and see our Live Demo! Wildfaces has attained the most comprehensive list of vision-based AI features (53 out of 58) whereas the well-known Unicorns can only provide 8 or less features out of the same 58. In their report Gartner …
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May 2019 – Wildfaces Wins China Smart City Contest

May 2019 WF Newsletter_updated MAY • 2019 WILDFACES WINS CHINA SMART CITY CONTEST NEWSLETTER OF WILDFACES.AI This contest is organised by: Winner: Inside this issue WILDFACES WINS CHINA SMART CITY CONTEST AIFOR QUICK SERVICE RESTAURANTS, FOOD PROCESSING & HOSPITALITY INDUSTRIES CLPUSES WILDFACES TO MAKE HOFEX SMART Wuzhen is the renowned permanent host city of the World Internet Conference which has seen the participation of President Xi and other international dignitaries as well as Silicon Valley tech giants in the past. Several key governmental entities in Zhejiang Province along with private organizations and Investment companies such as Sequoia Capital organized this …
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June 2018 – WildFaces Wins Another Smart City Contest

june-2018-wildfaces-wins-hongkong-smart-city-award-2018 JUNE • 2018 WILDFACES WINS HONG KONG SMART CITY AWARD 2018 NEWSLETTER OF WILDFACES.AI Inside this issue MOST OUTSTANDING SMART RECOGNITION AND TRACKING SYSTEM NEW USES FOR WILDFACES’ TECHNOLOGY Most Outstanding Smart Recognition and Tracking System WildFaces has won the prestigious Hong Kong Smart City Award for its “Outstanding Smart Recognition and Tracking System”. The Award, presented by ETNET magazine was accepted by Ms Ivy Li, Founder and Executive Director of the company. Wildfaces’ patent-pending technology is a vision based Artificial Intelligence system that can recognize and track faces on-the-fly without the need for any fixed CCTV infrastructure. Using …
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July 2018 – WildFaces Wins Hong Kong Smart City Contest

july-2018-wildfaces-wins-another-smart-city-contest J U L Y – 2 0 1 8 W I L D F A C E S . A I WILDFACES WINS ANOTHER SMART CITY CONTEST 2018 Alibaba & Deloitte’s Award Alibaba Cloud and Deloitte have jointly awarded WildFaces the award for the best technology presentation at the Create@Hong Kong Smart City Contest. The Award was accepted by WildFaces Founder and Executive Director, Ms. Ivy LI. About us: WildFaces’ patent-pending technology is a vision based Artificial Intelligence system that can recognize faces on-the-fly without the need for any fixed CCTV infrastructure. Using video streams from drones, walking robots …
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Jan 2021 – WildAI Wins Pandemic Innovation Digital Solution Awards (PIDSA)

Jan 2021 – WildAI Wins PandemicInnovation Digital SolutionAwards (PIDSA) WildAI Wins Pandemic Innovation Digital Solution Awards (PIDSA) 2020 WF-Newsletter-January_Issue_1 JANUARY • 2021 WildAI Wins Pandemic Innovation Digital Solution Awards (PIDSA) 2020 NEWSLETTER OF WILDFACES. AI Inside this issue WILDAI WINS PIDSA AWADS BY HKCS AIFOR FACILITY AUDIT WILDAI “ON-THE- TECHNMOLOGYVE” EXPLAINED www.wildfaces.ai marketing@wildfaces.ai The IQ-Anti-Contagion Suite is a comprehensive set of Vision Based AI Systems designed to provide an organization with the ability to manage their facility during the pandemic. It is designed to be Accurate, Automated, Comprehensive and fully integrated such that a single system can takeover tedious and …
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Patented “Face Recognition & Tracking On-the-Move” empowers Smart Cities

Press Release Patented “Face Recognition & Tracking On-the-Move” empowers Smart Cities Hong Kong, April 13, 2018: WildFaces.ai provides “Face Recognition/Tracking On-the-Move” artificial intelligence (“AI”) technology. This state-of-the-art technology is poised to disrupt the computer vision technological eco-system around the world, particularly in implementing Smart City solutions. The system is designed such that the privacy of all individuals is always protected while in emergencies (e.g. to find a lost child) it can provide authorities with the information that they require. Ivy Li, the lead founder explains: “Our system can track specific individuals in extremely crowded environments at significant distances even under …
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WildFaces.ai won the Pandemic Innovative Digital Solution Awards

2020 was a year that Hong Kong’s social innovation proliferated. Start-ups and tech companies unleashed their creativity in droves to aid anti-pandemic efforts and to help people mitigate the challenges of COVID-19. To recognise the people and organisations whose IT solutions and services have made remarkable contributions to the society, the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) launched the Pandemic Innovative Digital Solution Awards (PIDSA) 2020. In addition to acknowledging the greats, the HKCS wishes to promote wider application of the solutions, foster collaboration across industries, and gather strength to triumph over the pandemic together. Among the thirteen awards in five …
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Wildfaces.ai in South China Morning Post!

Hong Kong start-up Wildfaces uses AI to spot potential suicide attempts and fights in prisons …
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StartUpBeat – 13/12/19

動態分析人臉數據 (華飛思李麗珍) English Description …
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WildFaces joins ICT Expo 2021

Attendee will understand more about WildAI 3rd-generation visual AI surpasses 1st-generation Deep Learning by better emulating complex intelligence. Several successful complex real-life smart city projects have been won through strong privacy protection and high accuracy.

WildFaces will demonstrate below solutions:

-Automated Anti-Contagion Suite including Anonymous Tracking
-Automated Facility Management
-Privacy Protected Database-less & Contactless Free-flow Access Control

Event information:
Dates: 27-30 Oct
Booth: 1D-D21
Time: 0900 – 18:00 (HK time)
Url: https://event.hktdc.com/fair/ictexpo-en/HKTDC-International-ICT-Expo/

WildFaces showcases virtually its solution at AsiaTech 2021

Attendee will witness WildFaces’ patented WildAI on-the-move technologies aiming to automate manual & time-consuming human processes. These solutions include Preventive Maintenance, Automated Facility Management, Anti-Contagion Suite, Smart Traffic & Mobility etc.
Asia Tech Virtual Event information:
Dates: 14-16 July
Time: 0900 – 18:00 (Singapore time)
Virtual Event website: https://www.connectechasia.com/communic-asia/

The current artificial intelligence (AI) market is flooded with providers and R&D developers using open-source libraries to develop their own AI solutions. Unfortunately, the suppliers of these open-source platforms (known as AI engines) tend to be interested in locking in users to their cloud service or hardware (e.g. GPU cards). What they offer to be black-boxes that cannot be easily modified or improved to meet specific objectives. Read Full Article here

Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong. “Is Artificial Intelligence equal to Deep Learning?” CONNECT Autumn. Issue 2023. pp. 31-32

2020 was a year that Hong Kong’s social innovation proliferated. Start-ups and tech companies unleashed their creativity in droves to aid anti-pandemic efforts and to help people mitigate the challenges of COVID-19. More details at here.

Ivy Li (Founder of WildFaces) had interview from StartUpBeat of HKEJ and mentioned about company history and On-the-move technology


WildFaces.AI owns the “On-The-Move” Vision AI domain with the protection of international patents, excelling in the use of IoT devices (e.g. drones, etc.) in “Wildly-Crowded” scenes.


Hong Kong start-up WildFaces uses AI to detect potential suicide attempts and fights in prisons


IT Square mentioned WildFaces, which Hong Kong must have its own underlying AI technology. Patented On-The-Move technology is the key feature offered by WildFaces


WilldFaces is attracted by Hong Kong investment on start-ups, which planned 80 billion to push four major areas of innovation. 


Investment of 80 billion Hong Kong dollars to build Hong Kong innovation and technology ecological environment


WildFaces join the Innovation Hong Kong Forum held in Hangzhou and demonstrated its On-the-Move technology in the event


Patented “Face Recognition & Tracking On-the-Move” empowers Smart Cities

Click here to know more


WildFaces won the Outstanding Smart Recognition and Tracking System

Hong Kong has announced a new Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) charging scheme which will take effect on 1st of August 2024. This requires industries in Hong Kong to significantly improve the waste disposal systems at their premises. WildFaces’ new “Autonomous Waste Management AI System”

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