Digitally Transforming the Smart Facility Management Industry
Technology is rapidly transforming the roles and responsibilities of facilities management professionals. Today, Smart Technology can handle complex incidents in real-time environment.
Facility Management needs a smart system that can help to improve users’ experience reducing lengthy service time and workload. During COVID 19 pandemic when business is difficult, a smart automated system can help reduce operation cost and minimize high liability pay-outs.
WildFaces with its WildAI uses smart infrastructure which offers fully Smart Facility Management system. It enhances Safety, Security and Operational Efficiency Management including many capabilities that are patented and totally unique. WildAI can ensure utmost user experience which in turn will minimize unnecessary workloads, additional operation costs and fraudulent liability pay-outs. This smart system will not only help eradicate and differentiate between a genuine accident and fraudsters who pretend to be victims to claim compensation but also help reduce long queues and keep individuals in the building safe from any mishaps such as a fire.
Now, how can a system help facilities managers to respond to complex situations faster, mitigate risks and improve the visitor experience?
WildAI’s Smart Facility Management system is a contactless access control, which operates from a distance without a centralized database steam-lining the visitor registration process and eliminating possibility of privacy breaches. It ensures a safer and faster user experience.
- How does the system work?
When a visitor plans their visit to a facility, the visitor is required to send his/her ‘selfie’ and sufficient information which will help identify themselves. An encrypted electronic visitor pass is sent to their smart phone. With this electronic visitor pass, the visitor can then walk into the facility next morning.
The system senses the phone in proximity and decrypts the information of the visitor from the app. The system then matches the face seen on the camera with the meta data from the app. If the face is a right match, then the system grants access by providing signals to the doors to open to let the visitor inside.
The visitor does not have to halt for a temperature check. It is done on the move. He/she can then go to any part of the facility that he/she is authorized to enter without queuing. While his/her access is continuously tracked by the system, general operators and guards cannot see his face. His/her privacy if fully protected. His/her pass can be set to expire automatically at a particular time so there is no risk of him not returning his pass.
Implementing a huge database creates massive privacy issues and is potentially at risk of privacy breaches. Studies have shown that human authentication is extremely time consuming and subject to numerous errors. Wildfaces AI’s smart system addresses the inaccuracies of this single factor access control and will prove to be beneficial for facility managers as it will transform the industry into a smart automated industry with high levels of accuracy.
With WildAI’s advanced face tracking on the move, over 100+ individuals can be authenticated simultaneous. In crowded environments like office building where there are numerous employees and visitors such a system can greatly reduce queues and congestion and help us to return to normalcy faster also making workplaces safer.
The systems capabilities are not only limited to providing access to individuals alone. It also performs as an evacuation system which helps alert individuals if a fire were to ever break out due to broken wires. The system keeps track of the number of people who have entered and exited the building and alerts the facility managers which doorways are blocked preventing any further accidents.
The system also helps detect abandoned objects and helps alert facility managers if there is a water spill anywhere in the building. The advantage of this detection is that it will alert the officials if there has been a slip & fall incident. This in turn will also help minimize any illegitimate claims and the resultant compensation pay-outs.
Wildfaces’s system offers the most comprehensive Safety, Security and Operational Efficiency Management.
The system is entirely privacy protected by which it leverages on’s advanced artificial intelligence-based video analytics. There is no requirement for a centralized database. There is no fear of identity theft or fraud. If the phone is lost or stolen the system cannot be defrauded as it will only work for the owner of that phone.
This internationally patented capability will work even in a crowded environment greatly reducing queues. Moreover, is one of the very few companies in the world that supports face tracking over 100+ different individuals simultaneously with 98.7% accuracy. The system can leverage existing CCTV infrastructure minimizing the cost of implementation.
The technology is brought to you by the World’s Leading Supplier of Artificial Intelligence and Video-based Analytics.
– Doing More with Less-